Jaco is a popular beach to visit from the city since it’s only an hour and a half west of San Jose. People seem to have a love/hate relationship with Jaco because of its touristy like strip. Being from the US, that obviously doesn’t bother me at all – I found the little town to be full of excellent waves, cool restaurants, and partying surfers with a gorgeous mountain backdrop. After being in the mountains for a month, heading to the beach nearly killed us {more than 20 degrees hotter!}

After watching an episode about Jaco on the Travel Channel, I NEEDED to check out a few places they featured including Caliche’s Wishbone in Jaco {see Poke and delicious stuffed potato below!} and a local surf competition at Backyard Bar {one beach over} at Playa Hermosa.

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The waves were impressive and Michael enjoyed seeing black sand for the first time. We stopped at a few places on the side of the road to capture some awesome scenery. I would visit Jaco again just for those stuffed potatoes!!!!


The Britique