All the places we lived in 2015

With the advantage of being able to work remotely, my hubby and I decided to leave our expensive apartment and exhausting routine in Miami to wander in the Digital Nomad life halfway through 2015. It’s been a few months and we’re loving it so far. Here are all of the places we lived in 2015, thanks Airbnb!   Miami, Florida 2. Escazu, Costa Rica 3.

All the places we lived in 20152016-12-04T21:56:58-05:00

Wedding Trends for 2015

The holidays are a time for lots of love, family, & of course, engagements! My facebook feed was lit up with tons of recent engagements over the past month or two, so I'll help all of you soon to be brides out with some of the top Wedding Trends of 2015 with ideas from Anja Winikka (site director of The Knot). I also included some of my

Wedding Trends for 20152016-12-04T19:18:19-05:00